#TopTenTuesday Authors I’d Love a New Book From #TuesdayBookBlog

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

The rules are simple:

  • Each Tuesday, Jana assigns a new topic. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want.
  • Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post.
  • Add your name to the Linky widget on that day’s post so that everyone can check out other bloggers’ lists.
  • Or if you don’t have a blog, just post your answers as a comment.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is Authors I’d Love a New Book From. My list is a combination of authors who could produce a new book and those who, sadly, never will.

Authors who could

Philip Kazan – I’ve read three of the four books Philip has written – The Painter of Souls, The Black Earth and The Phoenix of Florence, plus I have the fourth, Appetite, in my TBR pile. I would particularly love a follow-up to The Phoenix of Florence. His blog suggested another book might be on the way but no sign of it yet. He’s written four medieval mysteries as Pip Vaughan-Hughes so I might have to make do with those for the time being.

Rachel Malik – I loved Rachel’s debut novel Miss Boston and Miss Hargreaves which was published in 2017. Why, oh why no new novel since then? 

Marina Fiorato – I’ve read four books by Marina of which Crimson and Bone, published in 2017, was my favourite. Nothing since then but there are a few of her previous books I haven’t yet read.

Jim Kelly – This is a bit of a cheat as Jim has written several other series but it’s his ‘Nighthawk’ series set in WW2 Cambridge featuring Detective Inspector Eden Brooke that I really crave more of. The third book, The Night Raids, was published in 2020.

Paddy Hirsch – Another historical crime series I fell in love with was Paddy’s ‘Justice Flanagan’ series set in 19th century New York. To date there have only been two – The Devil’s Half Mile and Hudson’s Kill – and I need more!

S.W. Perry – I’ve loved all the books in the author’s ‘Nicholas Shelby’ historical crime series, the last being The Sinner’s Mark published in 2023. We’re due another one surely?

Ciarán McMenamin – In case you’re beginning to think I’m fixated on historical crime series, I adored The Sunken Road which was longlisted for the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction in 2022. I’d love to see another novel from him.

Authors who never will

C J Sansom (died April 2024) – I’ve devoured every one of his Matthew Shardlake series with the exception of Tombland which I still have to read. In a way, I’m glad I still have one to read to remind me what a brilliant writer of historical fiction he was.

Hilary Mantel (died September 2022) – Her magisterial Thomas Cromwell trilogy, comprising Wolf Hall, Bring Up the Bodies and The Mirror & the Light, was rightly showered with awards, including twice winning the Booker Prize.

John le Carré (died December 2020) – I’ve read just about every book the master of the spy novel wrote, my favourite being a toss-up between The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.


9 thoughts on “#TopTenTuesday Authors I’d Love a New Book From #TuesdayBookBlog

  1. I’m still holding onto The Mirror and the Light, unread, Cathy. I pick it up and think ‘Once I’ve read it, that’s the end!’ and put it back . . . silly, isn’t it.😂🤣


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