#TopTenTuesday Bookish Goals for 2023

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

The rules are simple:

  • Each Tuesday, Jana assigns a new topic. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want.
  • Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post.
  • Add your name to the Linky widget on that day’s post so that everyone can check out other bloggers’ lists.
  • Or if you don’t have a blog, just post your answers as a comment.

BlogMilestones_GoalsThis week’s topic is Bookish Goals for 2023. As always, I started out with a long list – there are so many tempting reading challenges out there – but in an effort to maintain a degree of reality, I’ve narrowed it down to ten. 

  1. Achieve my Goodreads target/forecast of reading 120 books (I exceeded that last year)
  2. Read at least 50 books that have been in my TBR pile for longer than two years, i.e. they were acquired prior to 1st January 2021. (There are plenty to choose from as I have over 60 physical books and over 100 books on my Kindle that fall into that category.) 
  3. Attend Henley Literary Festival and, if possible, at least one other literary festival in person
  4. Take part in – and complete – the following reading challenges: When Are You Reading? Challenge 2023, What’s in a Name Challenge 2023, 20 Books of Summer, Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2023
  5. Read all the books on the Walter Scott Prize 2023 shortlist – if possible, on the longlist – before the winner is announced
  6. Complete my own Backlist Burrow challenge by reading two books from the backlists of each of the six authors I’ve chosen
  7. Read and review all new NetGalley approvals (from January 2023 onwards) by their publication date. (Yes, I know, haha!)
  8. Be a better blogger pal – leave comments on posts, share posts on social media, etc
  9. Refresh my blog – new theme, archive old posts, etc
  10. Be more active/creative on Instagram

What goals or resolutions do you have for this year?

27 thoughts on “#TopTenTuesday Bookish Goals for 2023

  1. Goals? Almost none! The pressure! Although as you’ll have seen, I’ve just posted my plans for Backlist Burrow, as I really am displeased with myself for not following up some authors I’ve enjoyed. The Gaia nature reading challenge, but beyond that I’ll just use the challenges to give me ideas I think.


  2. These are great goals. I envy you reading more than 120 books in a year. And I like your TBR goal of reading books that you have had over 2 years. I have plenty of those too.

    Good luck on your challenges, I always have problems with those.

    And thanks for stopping by and checking out my goals.


  3. I really wish I could prioritise books I’ve owned for a long time – I have so many but I always get distracted by new books. I have highlighted 23 to hopefully read this year (last year I only read 8 off my list of 22 though, so honestly I hope that I can just better that). Good luck in achieving your goals!


    1. I think 8 out of 22 is pretty good going actually knowing how easy it is to be distracted by new books. If it’s any consolation I’m still trying to get through the books I had on my list for the 20 Books of Summer 2022 reading challenge. I just might have finished them before this year’s challenge comes around…


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