Backlist Burrow – A New Challenge for 2023

Backlist Burrow 2023Recognise this? You finish a book by an author you’re reading for the first time and think to yourself, that was great I must read some of their previous books. Then you never get around to it. This year I’m actually going to do it. I’ve chosen six authors whose books I’ve enjoyed and picked two books from their backlist to read some time over the course of this year.

Links from the title will take you to my review, if I’ve read the book, or the book description on Goodreads, if I haven’t yet.

Any thoughts about my choices?

Robert Olen Butler, author of Late City

Andrew Miller, author of Now We Shall Be Entirely Free

John Boyne, author of All the Broken Places

Clare Chambers, author of Small Pleasures

Jess Kidd, author of The Night Ship

Fiona Kidman, author of This Mortal Boy

13 thoughts on “Backlist Burrow – A New Challenge for 2023

  1. I’ve read several of your choices and enjoyed all of them very much: Ingenious Pain (a long time favourite!), Pure, The Echo Chamber, The Heart’s Invisible Furies and All day at the Movies. Happy reading!


  2. This is such a good idea for a challenge. I’m in! And your choices? Andrew Miller! Yes, yes! ‘Pure’, read some years ago now, remains in my head as a memorable read. Jess Kidd is someone I’d happily read more of, and Brian Moore too – in fact he might make my own list. I’ll have to think about the rest, but Javier Marías leaps to mind.


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