#SixonSaturday My Gardening Week – 26th March @cavershamjj

Garden AllotmentSix on Saturday is a weekly meme hosted by The Propagator. If you’d like to join in you can find more details here.

Here are six highlights from my gardening week.

Six on Saturday1) [Right] Continuing previous weeks’ theme of neglected fruit trees and bushes, there are buds emerging on two pear trees trained as cordons at the bottom of the garden. The varieties are Doyenne du Comice and Beurre Hardy although I don’t think they fruited last year.  They are rather choked by weeds and a rampaging sage (of which more anon) but I’m hoping some TLC might revive them.

Six on Saturday2) [Left] Talking of things emerging, there are the first signs that a hosta I was given last year has survived the winter. I can’t remember the variety as I have the annoying habit of discarding plant labels on the basis that I will easily recall what it was.  And I never do

Six on Saturday3) [Right] It always surprises me how plants can flourish in seemingly inhospitable places. This grape hyacinth is managing to grow in the crack between two paving slabs.

4) [Below, left] Some early tulips are adding a glorious bit of colour to the garden.

5) [Bottom left] The aforementioned rampaging sage although it does  give off the most lovely scent when you brush past it.

6) [Below, right] No, definitely not my greenhouse at the moment – it’s currently empty – but a reminder to myself of what it looked like a few years ago. It’s not been used since for a variety of reasons, including just too many other things taking priority and what I can only describe as a ‘gardening slump’. My aim is to get it back into operation this year.

Enjoy your garden or outside space this week.

2 thoughts on “#SixonSaturday My Gardening Week – 26th March @cavershamjj

  1. I also have rampaging sage, it looks the same variety as yours. The purple leaves look good though. Fruit trees and gooseberry bushes are all budding up and a few have open leaves here as well. Its been great to be able to get back out in the garden with this nice weather we’ve been having xx

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