#TopTenTuesday Favourite John Buchan Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

The rules are simple:

Each Tuesday, Jana assigns a new topic. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want. Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post. Add your name to the Linky widget on that day’s post so that everyone can check out other bloggers’ lists. Or if you don’t have a blog, just post your answers as a comment.

This week participants are invited to come up with their own take on the theme of Book Covers. Never one to miss an excuse to peruse the books in my John Buchan bookcase, here are some of my favourite covers. Links from the titles will take you to my reviews.

John Buchan Book Covers
Top row (L to R):  The Thirty-Nine Steps, Salute to Adventurers, Greenmantle

Middle row (L to R): Mr. Standfast, Midwinter, John Macnab, The Dancing Floor

Bottom row (L to R): Witch Wood, The House of the Four Winds, The Island of Sheep

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